Sunday 23 July 2017

Animal Jam Creepypasta - Spare

Warning - gore and some sexual content (no smut).
In which Ambrose the bunny has an interesting hobby.

A red designer skirt fell off the hanger by chance.

But oh, what a difference it made.

Ambrose had arrived in Jamaa Township a sweet red rosebud, true to her family pet name. She arrived with creamy white hair and a head full of fantasies. She arrived with a white pullover and a crimson flower crown, with petals as soft and innocent as herself. She arrived a Shiveerian. Unprepared for what awaited her.

In Jamaa Township, competition seeped through the cracks in the cobbles. It wound a ribbon around her waist, pulling it in tight and sucking her breath away. It teased the fantasies from her brain. It plucked the fresh petals from the roses tucked in her hair and painted them with weedkiller. As they shrivelled, her hair darkened into a chocolatey brown. Her snowy fur tanned. Her lips filled. It left Ambrose a delicate barbie.

It brought friends. It brought popularity. It didn't bring much happiness.

But every ribbon has to unwind.....

There it was. A skirt redder than a red, red rose. It was short. It was exciting. It was new. There they were - a red halter top, red lipstick, red shoes. There she was - lonely and young and ready. And his house was just down the street.

<> <> <>
Cin opened the door. His mouth fell open.

Ambrose was curvy, and her lips were full and pouted - redder than a rose. Mira. Her hair was wavy, bouncy, thick. Her dainty skin was pale. And that skirt was short.

"Hey, Cin." That luscious Shiveer accent rolled on golden breath towards the figure in the doorway.
"Well, hey, Rose!" He gave a false smile. "What to transfer today?"
"This." She held out a beautiful jewel encrusted box. "This is all."
"C-come in."

Ambrose swept past him, delighted. Who knew just a few centimetres off the skirt would stun such a stubborn rabbit? Cin turned to follow, still slightly shocked, but was instead pulled closer to those soft lips.
"Y'know, maybe I don't need to transfer that box."
"I don't think you do either."

They collided and suddenly Ambrose's life was perfect.

<> <> <>
She woke up feeling sick. Where was she?

A green bed. No canopy. Was that the masterpiece her brother had made in Year 5? Someone at her side. Someone warm, someone dark, someone who smelt like lemongrass.

It all came rushing back and she was up and out and in the kitchen and deep breaths. No. No. What came over her? What came over him? Oh Mira. Oh Mira. Cin was just her spare - no, he was one of her best friends. And she... and they...

"Calm down, Ambrose," she whispered to herself. But all she could think was not again. "You promised yourself to stay away from boys!" A tear slid down her cheek. "Why do you always mess it up?" He's not a friend anymore. He's just another spare, for Mira's sake. You have to purge yourself. Get rid of the venom from your body. Where is it? Where is it? There.

There it was.

The cutlery drawer.

<> <> <>

She made sure to slit his throat before he screamed.

"Cin, sugar....." she brushed her lips on his as a fountain of blood splashed down her front. Cin gasped, unable to breathe, to speak. "Good morning. Or should I say goodnight?" She ran the meat cleaver down his abdomen next - splitting his insides perfectly in two. Then, as he spluttered a foamy tide of blood, she sliced his arm off into chunks. His eyes rolled upwards before she finished sawing off the shoulder, but it was okay - the sooner he died, the better. Chop. Chop. Chop. The other arm. The torso. The legs. Finally, the head.

Ambrose planted a kiss on his forehead one last time before she sliced off his long ears.

In half an hour Cin's corpse was diced up. She took a binbag and filled it with his dismembered remains, along with the filthy sheets and her beautiful red skirt. There were some of her old clothes in the wardrobe, so she redressed herself, then wiped down every surface she'd touched in the house before running one of his hands all over the clean space. Was that it? Was she ready?

Her car was red, too. But she had to get in - carrying a huge binbag through the streets would be too suspicious. She sped to Sarepia Forest - her movements mechanical, just as they always were - slammed on the breaks and sprinted out to the cave. It was far away from any hotspots. And contained her acid tank.

Another one gone.

<> <> <>

"I love you very much, Rosy. Goodnight-"
"Um, mother? Wait a second."
"What is it, sweetpea?"
"I'm going to need a new-"
"A new what? A new house? We could get you another by the sea. More cars? What brand, honey? More clothes? Anything for you, my princess..."
"A new spare." Ambrose smiled. "I'm going to need a new spare."

She watched a black designer skirt slip off her bed and on to the floor.

- - -

I hope you guys enjoyed this! I wrote it in one sitting (my back is killing me). 

Ambrose is my OC from the Bunny Roleplay! 

Also, if you hadn't noticed, I sort of quit. Momentarily. But! I'm back now.


Saturday 4 March 2017


Today I had a really bad cold, meaning I was not at school. So what did I do? I studied the new "Special Delivery" adventure, of course!

I tried three different methods a number of times, and these were the results.


Obviously, I had to try this. I wanted to compare how long my usual method took with how long the other two methods took. This method was the only one where I quit out of frustration.

I was using an eagle to do the adventure because I'm soft like that, but HOLY MIRA! It's all perfectly fine until you've got the last batch of envelopes and you realise you have no clue where to look. This ends up with you spending three weeks hunched over your laptop, searching the entire map over and over again for that last mailbox.


WHY THIS METHOD IS BAD: Don't get me started! There's no system. It takes forever. It's confusing, too, and you're most likely to quit doing this method.


This method....worked quite well! I flew around the outside of the map twice, clicking all the mailboxes I could see (I went around twice in case I'd missed any). Then I flew in a bit and went around twice again. I went further and further into the centre until I had pretty much delivered everything!

WHY THIS METHOD IS GOOD: You're less likely to miss a box and it's very neat.

WHY THIS METHOD IS BAD: Flying around the outside once, twice, even three times.... can take a while. I actually reached the centre and and found I still had 5 letters left. So, of course, I flew around crazily! But I did manage to complete this one, which was good.


It took me about twenty minutes to finish the adventure.

I went across in lines, searching each line carefully before moving up. It looked like this:

By the end of the adventure, when I reached the edge of the map, I had completed the entire thing, not missing one box. 

I did this five times and I never missed one!

WHY THIS METHOD IS GOOD: Lots of accuracy, it's easy, it's actually really quick and it gets the job done.

WHY THIS METHOD IS BAD: I can't find a reason.


Need some gems? Want some items? Looking for some rares? Seasonal adventures are the answer! You don't have to complete them, although that gets the best prizes. Take the current clover on for example. Grab the ten closest clovers, get the key, two instant items! They're also great boredom busters, so if you don't usually play adventures, you really should do these!

I'm so sorry for my inactivity. I may quit this blog as I have so much work to do. Nobody really reads it, anyway.


Monday 19 December 2016

Cool Ideas - Things That Should Be Added To Animal Jam!

I think about this stuff a lot. I dream that some of these things will happen. Some things would be really helpful and great. Some things I just think would be cool! Do you agree? Tell me in the comments, don't be shy!


  • A kitchen set. It would be awesome for family dens! I'd like it to include a new fridge, oven, table, chair (that has a flipped version like the Salon Chair), sink, counter and some wall items, like pots and pans. This would be so cool! Especially if some of the items, like the stove, oven and table, were non-member. I imagine it would look similar to the Vintage Kitchen set on Play Wild, which is awesome.
  • A living room set. A new sofa, coffee table, television, houseplant and rug. It could be called something like the 'Modern Living Room' set. I love this idea. It would be so fun to make a house with these items.
  • I would LOVE for AJHQ to add Floor-to-Ceiling windows! It would actually be so cool and would go so well with the Modern Living Room set. When you click the change colour option, it comes up with different scenes outside like a night sky, a city at night, a tropical island, a snowy mountain sunset, and so on. That would be my favourite item in the game. Or any game. Ever. Oh, and.... NONMEMBER NONMEMBER NONMEMBER PLEASE!
  • I have THREE new den ideas. Here's the first one: Some kind of Warrior Cats Roleplay den! A camp area with a fireplace that looks like a clearing in a forest, a room for every cat den like the Warrior's den and the Elder's den, a circle of rocks for a fresh kill pile. As AJHQ are so good at making the huge dens with enormous gardens, they could make this one a forest. A player could then add plushie machines between the trees for the clan members to 'catch prey'. It would probably be in the diamond shop because of its size, which is disappointing, but I suppose it AJHQ's choice and it seems like the one they would make. That's not an insult... where am I going with this?
  • A modern den. Fine! Slap me and fine me! But I think it would be awesome for making a huge family den, if you were to have a 'rich family' roleplay. Not only that! Big rooms that lead into others, a gorgeous glass balcony, a room with glass walls, a small swimming pool.... Set at sunset for a softer mood and glow, palm trees at the entrance... Think about how freakin' awesome that could be. Cough cough, floor to ceiling windows, cough cough.... And think about it. This den, like something the stepped out of Grand Designs and into Animal Jam, would probably convince a few people to buy membership to get it! I also think it would be good because it's not to girly or too boyish. All in all, I would certainly buy this den and would literally recycle a headdress to get it. 
  • A NEW NONMEMBER DEN, NEW NONMEMBER DEN! I'm not really looking for luxury and new features here. Just a bigger den, with two floors, maybe a balcony and a nice-sized garden. Trees, a river, at LEAST three rooms. Maybe something rustic, maybe something modern, who knows? But imagine how happy some nonmembers would be to get this den! A den available to everybody, even people who don't have enough money to buy themselves a membership! Wow, this would be so cool. Maybe AJHQ don't even have to design a whole new den! What if they just made another den nonmember, like the mushroom hut and the waterslide den or another den nobody really uses? That would be amazing. Just amazing....
  • RECOLOURED HEADDRESSES. AJHQ did it with headfeathers, they did it with spikes, they did it with skullies... are you forgetting someone? It would be awesome to have some recoloured headdresses, because they're just such pretty items, especially on foxes! How about colours like yellow, aqua, light green, black, tan and grey? 
  • I WANT A FLUFFY PILLOW AND I WANT IT NOW. Okay, let's take it down a level! Some new pillows to put on sofas would be great. Patterned ones, plain ones, fluffy ones... I was also going to suggest faux animal rugs, but's that's just too extreme.
I'll probably be adding to this a lot but this is it FOR NOW!


  • Extended sorting option. You select an option that says 'non member' and you can choose from all your non-member items. This would make trading with non-members a lot easier!
  • Save Outfit option. Play Wild has this feature and it's SO USEFUL! I love it! I just wish you could save items on normal AJ, too...
  • Over 1,000 den slots. We have this feature on Play Wild and it's a lifesaver. It's getting really annoying having no den space left, and I'm sure it can't be that hard to add in. I've got no more items that I want to recycle or transfer, so this is getting urgent for me.....
  • Okay, this one's really stupid, but here it goes..... Day and night. Yes, yes, snicker away. It's never going to happen as it's too hard to code, so babyish, too big a change.... blah blah blah. Okay, fine. Maybe, instead, we could have a day and night cycle in dens. Optional, just in case, and you can pause it if you like a sunset or night or something. It wouldn't be too slow, and each would last about 2-10 minutes, a bit like MineCraft. It would be good if you could speed it up or slow it down, but I wouldn't want to ask too much. Just a day and night cycle option in some dens would be totally fine for me!
  • Everybody asks this! But it would be cool if we could have.... more variety when choosing animal colours. Yes, a colour wheel option. That would be... awesome. How many times have I typed the word 'awesome'? 
Once again, I'll be adding to this list!

What would you like to add to Animal Jam? I know nobody reads this blog, but just one comment would MAKE MY YEAR. Thanks for reading, goodbye!

Saturday 3 December 2016


I'm fabulous, right?

Okay, okay, I'll shut up now. I'm just so happy I found an alternative to those beta rectangular tables.

A completely storebought kitchen! Sadly, this is member. But if you're non member, try experimenting! I'm sure it could be done, so don't give up!

What you'll need....

From Jam Mart Furniture, you'll need....

  • 3 Or More Cafe Tables (Preferably white, but can be any colour!)
  • 1 Wooden Fridge
From Outback Imports, you'll need....
  • 1 Stone Oven (Preferably white)

Add the fridge and oven next to each other against the wall.


Place three cafe tables- One on one side of the fridge, the other on one side of the oven, the last vertical. If you have more tables, you can make this kitchen even better. But this is practically all you need to do!


You can add an island or a kitchen table. You can add shelves or sofas. You can add anything! In this picture, I've added....

  • Modern Glass Shelves
  • Three Teacups
  • Two Green Painted Pots
  • Two Red Painted Pots
  • One Fruit Bowl
  • One Skinny Painted Pot
  • One Egyptian Rug
  • One Primrose
Now it's up to you to make your den a home!


Friday 2 December 2016

Animal Jam - MAGENTA EYES??

So, today, I was trying to fix my cringy old looks. I was racing through them rapidly. I got to the goat and tried to click the dark brown eye, but I clicked the very corner. I now have magenta eyes.


"But Moonbeam, it's easy to get magenta eyes. You just click the magenta colour!"

Nope, it's different! Look at this:

GLITCHED magenta eyes.

Non-glitched magenta eyes.

Do you see the difference?

Saturday 26 November 2016

Animal Jam: Story Starters #1

Hey biscuits!

I love to write stories. And, seeing as this blog is focused on creativity..... Here are some story starters!

1) Thriller

What happens when you recycle an animal? You are an animal and you have been recycled. Is it time for revenge, or is there an afterlife?

2) Mystery

Somebody has created a very interesting masterpiece that somehow beat all the filters.... what does it contain?

3) Tragedy

Write about the very first Jammer, who is still playing today. How old are they now? What have they seen? Any lost buddies? What do they miss?

4) Comedy

What would the diary of an item look like? (oh my mira i am so doing this)

5) Romance

What's it like to be in a relationship with an Alpha? Are you a celebrity, or are you attacked in the street?

6) Romance #2

What if... you fell in love with a phantom?

7) Action

You're a butt-kicking phantom slayer. That's all I'm going to say,

8) Horror

Write the diary of the Lost Jammer, Fman122 or Wretchedjungle (etc). Today is the day of your revenge on Jamaa.....

9) Mystery #2

You're a famous Jammer from your blog/channel/life/etc. But your life isn't all glitz and glam. You have a dark secret....

10) Mystery #3

You are the Animal Jam Detective. Today, you have to solve a special mystery. However, your best buddy is strangely apprehensive and wants you to leave the mystery alone. What do you do?

Friday 11 November 2016


Finally! A non member DIY!

This easy bed is almost completely storebought and very easy to make. I actually love the design so much I might use it on my member account as well! It looks so great and I can't wait to share it with you guys!


From Jam Mart Furniture, you'll need to buy....

  • 3 Striped Couches (colour of your choice)
  • Two Pixellated Fences (preferably black)
  • Two Fantasy Banners (matching the couches)
  • One Cafe light (colour of your choice)
  • Two Fall Shrubs (colour that goes well with couches and banners)
If you have two of these from the Easter themed adventure,

  • Swirling Hedge
Then add that in instead of the Fall Shrubs. If you don't have/like/want either of these, you can use different bushes or plants instead.


This bed is very similar to my member bed, but it's available to all Jammers. That's why I love it even more!


 Add in the Fantasy Banners and Cafe Light. As you can see, I've chosen a green theme.


Add the fence, behind the couches, and the two hedges at the foot of the bed. Almost done now! Remember, if you want to use a different plant, then do!


Lastly, add another fence between the hedges, and there you have it. 


Now all Jammers can enjoy a good night's rest on this simple, fun and easy bed!

Happy Jamming, everybody, and not just members!
